I genuinly love the sea and this is my dream occupation.
One day ten years ago I sat tinkering in my little boat down in Donsö harbour. I was 20 years old and working full time as a fisherman. As I sat there enjoying my day off, David came by. He smiled broadly and said: ‘Holiday’s over, Oscar. You’re going sailing with Provider.’ Since that day I’ve been working for N-O-S.

Who are you?
I like spending time with others. There’s nothing better than a good chat over a cup of coffee. I think other people see me as a sociable, fun guy, and I’d say that’s pretty accurate. I try to always be kind too. That’s important. I have to admit to being a bit of a geek too. Especially when it comes to boats.
Where are you from?
I grew up on Donsö in the southern part of the Gothenburg archipelago. The place is home to generations of seafarers, fishermen and skippers. Like many other young lads who grew up in the archipelago, I started fishing when I finished school, just like my dad.
Could you describe your relationship with the sea?
Being from an island, you naturally have a close relationship with the sea. I come from a family of fishermen. My friends are sailors and work at sea. I’m a sailor and I drive a boat. My life wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t spend time at sea.

Why do you work for N-O-S?
When you sail with N-O-S, you get to drive a boat. And I mean actually drive a boat. You are constantly maneuvering the vessel. That’s your job. We go out in all kinds of weather, and in order to be the best we have to be able to cope in the roughest conditions. You need to have some skills, and above all you need to enjoy it. During my years with N-O-S, I’ve had the opportunity to try my hand at a variety of tasks. In addition to being a skipper on many of the vessels in the fleet, I’ve also helped build several of them. I’ve worked as a new build inspector in Northern Norway and spent many months up there. So, I’ve dispatched a fair few ships from the wharf. I’ve also had the opportunity to help design the vessels, which has been a great experience. Seeing a vessel go from drawing to launch is really cool!
What do you value in N-O-S as an employer?
I value that there’s room to express your opinions. N-O-S values employees who are ready to take on new challenges and who are proactive. You get the chance to try things, and even if it doesn’t work out it’s seen as a learning experience. We often work as a two-man crew. That way you become a tight team that respects and cares for one another. Because there are so few of us working together, you need to be prepared to try your hand at everything onboard, whether it be working on the bridge, in the engine room or on deck. You don’t need to be the best at everything, but you need to want to be the best at everything. And you have to like trying new things. That way, you become the best eventually.
What’s a normal day like for you?
I’ve mostly been doing two weeks on, two weeks off. That means that I wake up early even on my days off. I often go down to my shed for a bit first thing in the morning. I’ve got a few mopeds and things that I like to tinker with, so I do that for a bit before heading back inside for breakfast. Then I go back outside and potter about some more.
Some days I take my own boat out, or head into Gothenburg. That’s where my pride and joy is parked. My Porsche 911. I like my job and my colleagues, so when I’m on land it feels natural to go into the office for a cup of coffee. Or I might head down to the port in Fiskebäck to see if any of the vessels are moored. You can always go onboard for a chat with the guys who are working. At home, I love spending time with my nieces and nephews. Sometimes I take them out in my boat. After all, we need to start shaping the next generation of N-O-S people!

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