We complete our mission 365 days/year
We are specialists in THE offshore wind industry
Do not hesitate to come to us with your requirements: however great the challenge, we believe that we can provide you with a complete solution!
Northern Offshore Services operate a wide range of customized purpose-built vessels, optimized for high performance and efficiency. The company has offices in Gothenburg, Copenhagen and Lowestoft with a complete set of onshore technical and commercial management services. Northern Offshore Services was born from a traditional shipping company with over a century of shipping experience and was one of the first operators in Europe specializing in the offshore wind industry.
Ever since the start in 2008, Northern Offshore Services have operated with an impressive track record and served a wide range of customers. Northern Offshore Services aim is to always be the best and the most reliable partner and strive to maintain a high quality of service.
To exceed client’s demands, Northern Offshore Services have developed a 24/7/365 organization that works in close partnership with the crew, the customers, the suppliers and all other involved partners.
Northern Offshore Services take full responsibility for all the crewing and technical management of all vessels in the fleet. As a dedicated vessel owner Northern Offshore Service’s mission is to provide services of the highest standard with regards to health, safety, environmental, and quality criteria. To achieve these goals Northern Offshore Services provide an efficient and safe workplace for both land and sea based employees and encourage all within the company to continuously improve the quality, safety, security and environmental standards.
Key factors
Approach and philosophy
Our way of thinking makes us different
All personnel, captains and crew have to have the right attitude and a certain sense of quality and pride in order to work for our company. The result is the highest level of service and flexibility available in the market.
At N-O-S we have a unique personnel policy for our crews. We have two crews for every CTV. All crew members are employed full-time by N-O-S, no one starts their shift exhausted by their other part-time job.

Know-how and experience
We complete our mission 365 days/year
Our crews are of the highest standard and educated to understand and adhere to all applicable national and international regulations. Our extremely high level of “know-how” and experience throughout the entire organization is what makes us different from our competitors. We deliver what we promise 365 days/year.
Multipurpose high-speed vessels
Customized vessels for your specific needs
We operate with multi-purpose high-speed vessels designed for performance and flexibility. Depending on the task at hand we choose the best possible vessel meeting your specific demands. We also have the ability to customize our vessels to your specific requirements.

Service minded personnel and organisation
Professional onshore management
We have a professional national organisation that coordinates, manages and establishes new projects with our customers. Communications, logistics and other project-specific tasks are organised and planned to ensure smooth and successful work. The collaboration between the national organisation and the crew creates an extensive service network that benefits our customers and minimises downtime while maximising the vessel utilisation rate.

Trust us, we know
Fewer contractors makes it easy
All vessels in the fleet are customized for the purpose of serving the offshore wind industry. Therefore we offer not only crew transportation, but also refueling of generators, coating and recoating of WTG and other types of offshore construction and maintenance work. N-O-S has operated in all European countries with offshore wind farms.